The Annapolis Rowing Club (ARC) is a nonprofit, community-based membership organization dedicated to promoting and advancing the sport of rowing through the widest possible range of opportunities for training and participation. Our club members range from age 18 to age 70 and older, and we also feature Adaptive Rowing and Strokes 4 Survivors, a cancer survivors’ group, to share the joy of rowing in Anne Arundel County on the South River.
ARC is a 501c3 organization, managed and operated by volunteers. It is managed by a Board of Directors elected by the membership at an annual meeting. The club relies on volunteers for its operation and all ARC members serve on at least one of the committees to support the club's various activities.
Explore this website to learn more about the club and all of our programs, and how you can either join one of our established teams or Learn To Row for the first time. Wherever your interest lies, there is nothing better than rowing on this beautiful branch of the Chesapeake Bay and engaging in a great physical and social setting.

Amy Iannaccone
Email: ARCPresident21401@gmail.com
Vice President:
Sarah Parker Hughes
Email: ARCVP21401@gmail.com
Boathouse Captain:
Frank Hentschel
Email: Annapolisrowingboatcaptain@gmail.com
Kurt Janke
Email: ARCTreasurer21401@gmail.com
Rob Collins
Email: ARCSec21401@gmail.com
Laurice Jones
Email: ARCPrograms8421@gmail.com
Terri Miller
Email: ARCMembers21401@gmail.com
Club Ambassador:
Ann Pierson
Email: aap3173@gmail.com
Sara Pausley
Email: ARCWebsite21401@gmail.com
SafeSport Compliance Coordinator:
Email: ARCmembers21401@gmail.com
We've Moved!
Annapolis Rowing Club relocated to a new, nearby location in March 2025. The site accommodates our fleet of rowing shells and includes an expansive facility with space for indoor erging and workouts, board meetings, team gatherings, club social events, and more.
Our new address is 2822 Solomons Island Rd.
Check back soon for more details as we settle into our new digs!

Club Sweep Boats
ARC’s fleet includes several 4’s and 8’s that can accommodate lightweight, midweight and heavyweight crews at various skill levels. The club also has one Pair.
Club Sculls
The sculling fleet consists of quads and doubles for each weight class (light, medium and heavy weight). The club has both sculls for beginners and racing singles that accommodate each weight class and skill level.
Rack Space for Private Boats

ARC has limited rack space for private boats for full-time members in good standing. Contact ARC Boathouse Captain for availability. annapolisrowingboatcaptain@gmail.com
Annapolis Rowing Club Ambassador
New to ARC? Questions about our club?
Experienced rowers or those who are returning to rowing after a hiatus are welcome at ARC. We also welcome out-of-town rowers who wish to row with us during your visit to the area.
You can check with our ARC Ambassador who will be glad to respond and provide you with information or referrals to our various programs. Contact: aap3173@gmail.com